Protective Security,
Business Fraud & Investigations
Services include:
Workplace Fraud
Fraud Examination reports: recommended pro-active rather than reactive seeking to explore:
- The integrity of your business systems/accounting systems
- The integrity and moral compasses of your staff and owners, and their ability to comply with rules and regulations set internally and externally
- Any concerns as to the culture of the business generally (hoping to avoid a generic accusation that all businesses are potentially criminogenic (having the propensity to cut corners and contrary to law, in order to gain a profit)
Business Investigations & Health Checks
Compliance Policies by way of a non-exhaustive list:
- Anti-Corruption policies compliant with the Bribery Act 2010?
- Are you aware of the powers of the Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act 1977 (US Federal Law)
- Are you aware of Financial Sanctions imposed upon those whom you do business with, and the consequences of conducting business with those who are on the Sanctions List?
- Your duties as data controllers, and the consequences of breaches.
Protective Security
Are you ready for Martyn’s Law?
Likely to come into force next year as The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Act, relating to public safety of people and places?
The threat picture encompassing a broad range of extremist threats in and around the UK dictates that irrespective of size, as a business and venue, you need to be situationally aware, and security conscious. Are you?
- If you do qualify as a physical venue, are you going to be compliant with the Law?
- What is your strategy? What should be included in your risk assessment?
- Do you know your standard duties from your enhanced duties?
- How are you to store data of images, and does this conflict with data protection and privacy issues?