David Rosen & Co



Sound legal advice in an uncompromising world.

Upcoming Events - November 2024:

The Rosen Lectures

Litigation Essentials:

Prof. David Rosen will deliver a series of three (3) lectures addressing Litigation Essentials of Mastering Advocacy, Cross-examination, Drafting and Ethics.  

Each two (2) hour lecture will be interactive, dispensing practical insights, and can be attended in-person at Brunel University of London or online.

The Rosen Lectures

13th November 2024   (12:00 – 14:00)               INTRODUCTION TO ADVOCACY

20th November 2024   (12:00 – 14:00)               INTRODUCTION TO CROSS-EXAMINATION

27th November 2024   (12:00 – 14:00)               INTRODUCTION TO DRAFTING & ETHICS

Register Now:
The Rosen Lectures
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Our business is your business.

Our legal business reputation is based upon how we defend your business and your reputation.

Every legal matter is a metaphorical game of chess, requiring a unique understanding of the players, their potential moves, external influences and the theatre in which the legal issues are being played out.

Every case has its own particular circumstances, which requires an application of battle appreciation by seasoned and experienced litigators.

Therefore, strategy, ethical values and contingencies are the first port of call at David Rosen & Co.

Some altruisms:

Our Pragmatic Approach

Whether in commercial litigation or family work, we will always seek to pro-actively explore resolving disputes without recourse to litigation.

We are mindful and conscious of costs and risks, and making best use of emotional intelligence throughout.

To actively seek to resolve a claim can take many forms, including:

  • ‘Round-the-table’ ‘without prejudice’ discussions
  • Inter-solicitor negotiations
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration
  • Early neutral evaluation

We will provide the necessary guidance to achieve the best possible outcome for the specific circumstances.

Verified Client Reviews

David Rosen & Co is registered with Review Solicitors, the free and independent client-led review platform, focusing on the UK legal market. 

We are proud to have over 55 verified 5-star client reviews, available for you to refer to. 

The ethos of David Rosen & Co is to be client-centric ~ to place honesty and integrity, transparency and accountability at the forefront of our client relationships.

David Rosen & Co
Sound legal advice
in an uncompromising world.

Recent Blogs & Insights

Fake news quote and image of abraham lincoln

Fake News, misinformation and disinformation

This blogpost is written in advance of my forthcoming lecture at Brunel University of London Law School, concerning investigative discourse analysis:  An analysis of the construction of a sentence, the length of that sentence, choice of tenses and propositions, choice of words and structure generally to identify changes inconsistent with the usual course of language

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Interest on court judgement debts

Interest On Court Judgments. How Very Interesting…

Interest on court judgments. How very interesting… This blogpost addresses interest charged by the courts upon judgment debts. That means that there has been a claim before a court. Proceedings have been issued. Judgment has been obtained either by consent between the parties, or by order of a Judge, and there is a judgment sum

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Client Testimonials

David Rosen - Press Mentions


David Rosen, was Heather Mills solicitor-advocate in 2008, when she became “overwhelmed” by the fact the judgment was going to be made public.


David Rosen, solicitor, is quoted in 2013 on the complex issues experienced in bitter marital divorce.


In 2013, David Rosen was solicitor-advocate for Ansol Trading Ltd in this matter before the High Court.

Fraud Cases

High Court Judgment Template

Serious Fraud Office and Another v LCL and Others – Case Law

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