David Rosen & Co

Blogs & Insights

Interest on court judgement debts

Interest On Court Judgments. How Very Interesting…

Interest on court judgments. How very interesting… This blogpost addresses interest charged by the courts upon judgment debts. That means that there has been a claim before a court. Proceedings have been issued. Judgment has been obtained either by consent between the parties, or by order of a Judge, and there is a judgment sum

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mediation in small claims disputes will become mandatory
Dispute Resolution

Mediation post-Churchill. A pause for thought.

This is a blog post relating to the development of mediation in civil / commercial litigation. Following in the path, post-Churchill (Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil [2023]), it will soon become a requirement to mediate as a pre-requisite to bring a small claim in the courts of England and Wales. Civil Mediation ‘As It Could Be’

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Divorce crossroads when a couple contemplates if you should stay or should you go?

Divorce Crossroads: Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Why such a glum perspective on marriage to start the new year? Well, part of my work involves divorce, helping couples navigate a relationship crossroads.  It is commonly known that statistically, when a series of bank holidays are upon us in the winter months, that families find themselves spending more time together without interruption of

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Values, morals and ethics are essential qualities for a person entering the legal profession.
Morals & Ethics

Why Do Law Students Need a “Fitness To Practice” Test?

Foundations for The Future Are today’s law students going to be fit to practice as solicitors? I read the corporate strategy of the Law Society with intrigue and trepidation. Intrigue because I am excited about what the future holds. Trepidation, because underlying our great profession is an assumption that our fellow members hold high professional

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David Rosen & Co, Solicitors & Advocates provide business mediation between 2 opposing parties.
Dispute Resolution

Mediation Is Compulsory.  Failure To Engage Is Not An Excuse.

Two cases of significance have been ruled. One in the High Court. One in the Court of Appeal in November 2023, the consequences of which are that:  Mediation is compulsory, if the Court orders ~ And ~ Failure by one party to engage in mediation because you are sure of success at trial, is not an excuse. Alternative

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heart, flower background, crown-2945406.jpg
Family Law

Are diamonds forever?

Historically, in the jurisdiction of England and Wales, the Married Women’s Property Act 1870 provided that a woman owning jewellery provided by her husband remained his, because all he was doing was decorating his wife, akin to baubles on a Christmas tree…Such an Act of Parliament was thankfully short-lived and was repealed by the Married Women’s Property Act 1882.

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Humorous mug-shot image of a dog in jail for bad behaviour.
Criminal Litigation

Have we all forgotten how to behave?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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Why is it bad to be angry in court? Maintain your scruples.
Criminal Litigation

Why is it bad to be angry in court?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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