David Rosen & Co

Blogs & Insights

Divorce crossroads when a couple contemplates if you should stay or should you go?

Divorce Crossroads: Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Why such a glum perspective on marriage to start the new year? Well, part of my work involves divorce, helping couples navigate a relationship crossroads.  It is commonly known that statistically, when a series of bank holidays are upon us in the winter months, that families find themselves spending more time together without interruption of

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Valentine’s day proposals and prenuptial agreements?

Valentine’s Day Proposals And Prenuptial Agreements? “Love Is The Wisdom Of The Fool And The Folly Of The Wise” Dr Samuel Johnson With Valentines Day upon us, it’s a timely discussion, some young (or not so young) couples, high-net worth individuals, or those who have been here before, may want to broach with their intended,

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SHOULD I DIVORCE? In the words of Nelson Mandela “No marriage or friendship can be maintained without patience and tolerance.”   You should not divorce. You should find ways to make your relationship work.   “Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in

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