David Rosen & Co

Blogs & Insights

Humorous mug-shot image of a dog in jail for bad behaviour.
Criminal Litigation

Have we all forgotten how to behave?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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Why is it bad to be angry in court? Maintain your scruples.
Criminal Litigation

Why is it bad to be angry in court?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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Criminal Litigation

I think that my boss is doing something unseemly. What shall I do?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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