David Rosen & Co

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Why is it bad to be angry in court? Maintain your scruples.
Criminal Litigation

Why is it bad to be angry in court?

“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret’”

– Ambrose Bierce, influential journalist and author (1842 – 1914)

In the words of Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), has been called “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history”:

“The True Measure Of A Man Is How He Treats Someone Who Can Do Him Absolutely No Good.”

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Criminal Litigation

I think that my boss is doing something unseemly. What shall I do?

Scruples 1: How do I say ‘no’ to my boss asking me to do something, I know is not right? You are fresh out of university. The boss asks you to backdate a signature which you know to be fraudulent and it will cause your employer a financial gain, but will destroy another business. What should you do? What will you do?

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